Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego... I mean JHW

There have been a lot of questions and assumptions spreading about the current status of JHW. Many think we’re six feet under, some think we’re on the road, and a few even believe the group has relocated to Iceland. Because of this, I’ve decided to make one statement before the new line up and event announcements.The lack of information is in many ways intentional. I made a hard decision in May to keep things under wrap until all the changes were finalized.  The group has been working on the album during this time. The studio line up includes many familiar faces and many new players as well. The whole experience has been a blast. Though we are still doing a lot of the horn and string section recordings at Sneak Attack in Lexington, we are doing just as much recording right here in Louisville at Goldsmith studios.  Nick Lamen (BBoP) has been helping us take a confident direction in finishing and spicing many of the tracks. He is a champion of sonic laced weaponry and I am grateful to have him on our side.
            In regards to the live show, there have definitely been A LOT of changes. It is a roster that seems almost completely new. When I first made the decision in May to regroup, I was terrified. After the first week or two of open auditions and only being an “incomplete” band, I was convinced that JHW was going down a rough path with no pretty return. It wasn’t until the third week that we started meeting some really great musicians. A month in it seemed like the sky was the limit as my mind was racing with new combinations, styling, and arrangements that we were now capable of for the first time. I remember the exact day I specifically thought, “This is the best group of musicians I’ve played in. We sound surreal!” Aside from my star struck joy of the new members, this day was one to remember as it was the day JHW’s guitar player, Zach Groves shot himself in the leg with a hand gun… wait, what?!?! Yes, in my mind the day we were finally ready to take on the world, was the same day I had to cancel MONTHS worth of shows (and not take on the world,) because Zach accidently shot himself in the leg with a handgun.
            Do not worry, Zach will be able to walk again, and he is healing bit by bit everyday. From a musical perspective, this problem forced some drastic measures, but in a nutshell, everything has worked out ten fold better than I expected.
The new line up has done one test run in Paducah, and Paducah can attest to the raw power of the new team. It was quite possibly the most fun I’ve ever had during a live performance. The journey has been harsh, horrifying at times, but the end result has lead us to playing damn good music.
            The new line up will be announced at the end of the month along with the rest of the shows/ events for the year. I can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.
It’s a ferocious roller coaster of precision and spirit.